Saez, M., Maturana, F., Barton, K., Tilbury, D. (2017) Real-time Manufacturing Machine and System Performance Monitoring Using Internet of Things. Accepted Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.
Kovalenko, I., Saez, M., Barton, K., Tilbury, D. (2017) SMART: A System-level Manufacturing and Automation Research Testbed. Accepted Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems.
Pannier, C., Diagne, M., Spiegel, I., Hoelzle, D., & Barton, K. (2017). A Dynamical Model of Drop Spreading in Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing. Accepted Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering.
Putman, N. M., Maturana, F., Barton, K.,& Tilbury, D. M. (2017). Virtual fusion: a hybrid environment for improved commissioning in manufacturing systems. International Journal of Production Research, 1-12.
Lopez, F., Saez, M., Shao, Y., Balta, E. C., Moyne, J., Mao, Z. M., Barton, K. & Tilbury, D. (2017). Categorization of anomalies in smart manufacturing systems to support the selection of detection mechanisms. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2(4), 1885-1892.
Totah, D., Kovalenko, I., Saez, M., & Barton, K. (2017). Manufacturing Choices for Ankle-Foot Orthoses: A Multi-objective Optimization. Procedia CIRP, 65, 145-150.
Fedore, C. W., Tse, L. Y. L., Nam, H. K., Barton, K. L., & Hatch, N. E. (2017). Analysis of polycaprolactone scaffolds fabricated via precision extrusion deposition for control of craniofacial tissue mineralization. Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research, 20(S1), 12-17.
Changbai, T., Hu, S.J., Chung, H., Barton, K., Piya, C., Ramani, K., Banu, M. (2017) Product Personalization Enabled by Assembly Architecture and Cyber Physical Systems. Accepted CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology.
Lim, I., Hoelzle, D. J., & Barton, K. L. (2017). A multi-objective iterative learning control approach for additive manufacturing applications. Control Engineering Practice, 64, 74-87.
Altın, B., Willems, J., Oomen, T., & Barton, K. (2017). Iterative learning control of iteration-varying systems via robust update laws with experimental implementation. Control Engineering Practice, 62, 36-45.
Altın, B., & Barton, K. (2017). Exponential stability of nonlinear differential repetitive processes with applications to iterative learning control. Automatica, 81, 369-376.
Lopez, F., Shao, Y., Mao, Z. M., Moyne, J., Barton, K., & Tilbury, D. (2017). A software-defined framework for the integrated management of smart manufacturing systems. Manufacturing Letters.